THAT’S RIGHT: America’s sweetheart and the #1 Sarah Palin look-a-like since … SARAH PALIN … is on the cover … of the March issue … of VOGUE ?!
Say whaaaaaaaat?!
Here’s what happened:
Was looking at the ol’ inbox, saw a message from “Tina Fey, Vogue”, did a DOUBLE-TAKE.

Tina Fay...that Prada dress matches the lettuce in your hair !!!
I personally feel like sending her a congratulatory basket filled with Twinkies, Devil Dogs, Skittles, Raisinetes, Twizzlers, 12 oz. Coca~Cola, Jamaican Beef Patty, Pop Rocks and a cardboard tray with 12 Dirty Water Dogs from her favorite NYC push-cart.
Somewhere in the world the following is happening:
1. Jack is thinking, “Ah, just another FEMININE MAGIC moment” but also wanting to know why she didn’t perch herself on a GE Mocrowave Oven…Damn you Lemon !!!
2. The Lesbian Cat Wrangler is lining her litter box with the very pages of the worlds fashion bible. One glossy page at a time.
3. Jenna is FREAKING OUT…Standing on the ledge of her 27th floor balcony…ready to jump, when she looks over and spots a pigeon eating muffin crumbs. Her No. 1 (in Israel) an No. 4 (in Belgium) hit single, “Muffin Top” comes to mind and she realizes how important she and her music are to the world…Off the ledge she comes !
4. Tracy…well Tracy ain’t doin’ shit about it. A brotha like him don’t read upitty fashion rags…unless you mean UPITTY as in remove the UP and replace it with a T. Now that kinda magazine, Tracy Morgan will gladly acknowledge.
Here’s what “TINA” wrote:
“Some things you will only see once in your lifetime. This March, I will be on the cover of Vogue …
If you’ve always wondered what it would be like if the talented people of Prada, Gucci, Dolce & Gabanna, and Vogue gave your forty-year-old sister-in-law a makeover, then this is the issue for you. “
But seriously…Tina Fay is a woman of her craft…
7 Emmy Awards
3 Golden Globes
4 Screen Actors Guild Awards
4 Writers Guild of America Award
2008 Associated Press Entertainer of the Year Award
She is the former Head Writer for SNL, screenwriter- Mean Girls and Baby Mama (we all have done something wack) and of course 30 Rock, which she STARS, WRITES, PRODUCES and ROCKS !!!
Some behind the scenes of her SHUT UP AND VOGUE moments. It looks like an episode of Gossip Girl !!!
In the words of Rupaul, “Giiiiirlfriend, you betta WERK !!! “
Tina’s Power List:
Power Couple: Hillary Clinton & Jay-Z
Power Outfit: Big shoulders, deeeep V, hot pants and roller blades
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